- Please proceed to make payment and paste details in the thread.
- Strictly no Cancellation of orders, refund or exchange after payment has been made.
- Refund will only be given when the item ordered is Out Of Stock.
- As some items are limited. All orders will be based on first pay basis.
- Please kindly make payment within 24 hours once your item is confirmed, otherwise item will be allocated to the interested mummy/party next in queue.
- Free postage for all items
- Add $2.25 for registered mail (Most recommended)
- Add $6 for courier service (UV lamp or others)
- Free courier service with purchase above $200
- Colours of items may differ due to colour/display/capture capability of computers, cameras settings.
- We will not be responsible if items does not meet your expectation, be it quality, sizes or colours.
- Bank transfer via DBS Savings Account: 023-9-045882
- Via ATM, kindly state Date and Time of transfer
- Pls quote your SMH nick for transfer.